It’s a “game-changer.” It’s a “massive win.” It’s where Facebook “finally faces the music.” It’s somehow both a “mere slap on the wrist” and definitely not a slap on the wrist. I don’t know about any of that. What I do know, however, is the slow-play, humble-brag way that Facebook chose to announce that it expects a fine between $3 billion and $5 billion for the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the access to personal data that Facebook allowed is straight-up genius communications strategy.
Read MoreOf all the companies I ever ran into, about 99 percent of them cares almost exactly the same about privacy as all the other companies: The exact amount they have to care by the letter of the law. Why not just tell people that and stop insulting their intelligence and making yourself look silly?
Read MoreIn a B2B context, I think we too often think about the container and not enough about the content we’re actually trying to convey. Only when we first think about the content we have on our hands can we create effective ways to convey it.
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